This type of roulette game is very popular in American roulette. Therefore, it should not come as a surprise to the origin of the name. However, nowadays players around the world are paying more attention to American Roulette. Characteristics of the wheels on roulette tables include 38 reels with numbers lined up from 1-36. Including the numbers 0 and 00, with the numbers 1-36 in the black and red squares. And 0 and 00 in the squares green. The number field 00 is an important identity of American roulette. Because the number of channels is greater. This gives the house edge of roulette (5.26%) higher than other roulettes like the European version (2.7%).UFABET

French roulette
The version that seems to be the softest. by french roulette wheel There will be the same number of channels and numbers as the European version. The obvious difference is that The game has a lower house edge (1.35%) and all points on the wheel and betting board are labeled in French. However, the online French roulette game currently has an English translation below. To make it easy for most players, in addition, when we compare the layout of the betting board American roulette has Outside Bets on the left side of the table. while the French version is below.