Kidney, a bean-shaped organ Performs an important function in expelling waste from the body. Maintain water and mineral balance They also produce many types of hormones. It works in tandem with other systems of the body, so if something goes wrong with any part of the organ, it will affect the functioning of the body system as a whole.

And if we talk about abnormalities that occur with the kidneys, many people would think that they are cause by eating too much salt, but! In fact, ทางเข้า ufabet, kidney disease can be cause by many reasons that you may overlook and harm your kidneys without realizing it.
In addition to that Lifestyle habits are also important factors that may cause risk factors for kidney disease. Whether it’s a matter of food, living, working, or even having to endure an environment full of pressure. So let’s take a look at types of behaviors that may harm our kidneys. can
Drink too little or too much water: Drinking little water is the cause of many diseases as well including kidney disease. Because the kidneys purify waste in the body and must use water as a carrier to be filter by the kidneys until it becomes urine If you drink too much water. The kidneys will work too hard. But if you drink too little water (which is more likely) will cause the urine to be dark in color. Which is bad for the kidneys and the bladder as well.
Overworked: Believe it or not, working hard is also a cause of kidney disease. Because when the body lacks adequate rest The internal organs of the body will not be restore. and fully repairs itself as well When the organs that purify waste in the body, such as the kidneys, do not stop functioning. It may easily cause the kidneys to deteriorate.
Eat ready-made food: Even though you might say you’re not a salty eater. But if you spend your life revolving around instant noodles Boxed lunch in convenience store. Various canned foods or even soft drinks, soda, and some types of drinks. You’ll be ingesting high amounts of sodium in your body without you realizing it. So eat a little less.
Eat spicy food: It’s not just a very salty taste. But spicy food includes food that is very sweet, very spicy, or even very oily. Spicy food makes the kidneys work harder. Therefore, it can contribute to kidney disease as well as salty foods.
Not exercising: Lack of exercise is the cause of many diseases, including obesity. Fat clogs arteries, fatty liver, clogged arteries, heart disease, and others, including kidney disease as well.